I didn't think it would be very good, in fact, I was expecting utter boredom. But instead, it turned out to be the best movie I have ever seen.
No lie. No exaggeration.
And, even if it bankrupts me, and even though I have to drive a million miles to the only theater in town that is playing it, I'm going to see it again. Perhaps I will even see it three times. Not only because movies this good need our support, but mainly because movies like this are worth it.
So do yourself a favor, skip "Thor", and instead see "There be Dragons". But bring tissues. It was so beautifully scripted, the story was so emotionally charged, and you connected instantly with each character on such a deep level, that you can't help but weep. The fellow in the aisle in front of us was weeping (actually, wailing loudly, drenched in tears), and i was his chorus harmony of sobs. The whole theater was in emotional breakdown mode. And, shamefully, there was not a single tissue in sight!
Also, this Friday, the movie "Priest" is being released into theaters. It is nothing more than a horrendous misrepresentation of the holy priesthood and the Catholic Church, and should be avoided like an outbreak of the black plague. I find it interesting that "Priest" is being released just in time to take viewers away from "There be Dragons", a movie that portrays the perfect example of a saintly priest.