Hanging precariously from the light fixtures were snow men's heads.
Yes, just the decapitated heads of Frosty’s clones.
I was first struck by the cleverly disguised morbidity, and couldn’t help noticing, the heads still had their sales tags. This was a sure sign that the employees had not simply severed the snow men’s heads from their roundish bodies. They had actually bought these heathen, head-hunter-style, Christmas decorations, hanging from thin cords on the lights. Perhaps this was a warning issued to wayward snowmen that this eatery was a no-snow-zone. Perhaps somewhere in the far north there are snowmen in restaurants with human heads hanging as symbols of Christmas cheer...
Anything is possible.
Turning on the radio i flipped to the Santa’s Sleigh radio channel. This is a regular channel that goes ‘All Christmas, all the time’ from the day after Thanksgiving, till the day after Christmas.
What i heard was far from comforting, and even less enlightening.
Selections such as “I’ll Be Blue on Christmas Without You”
and “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree”
and “It’s a Marshmallow World in the Winter” met my scandalized ears.
What happened to Christmas?
Did i miss the worldwide announcement that Christmas was now to be completely secularized? Turned into one, very large, very obnoxious, advertising campaign?
Nah...not possible.
I was truly hoping that my local tree farmer was the only one in the world who dared to sell firetruck red and neon purple Christmas trees to the general public.
I was truly hoping that Nativity scenes would appear in the neighborhood yards, instead of big fat “ho ho” Santa’s on sleighs drawn by undernourished, skeletal, reindeer.
I was truly hoping that Christmas wouldn’t be lost in the flurry of preparing for the “holidays”.
Christmas is the day that Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, became man.
Christmas is the day that Heavens gates are opened the widest to shower blessings and light upon the earth and all of mankind.
Christmas is the day that we all look back on the past year and thank God for what He has given and ask God to bless our lives in the years to come.
Call me a dreamer, but at this point, i would rather dream than live in this ‘Marshmallow World” reality that everyone has dreamed up. However, we’re young, there’s still time, we will change this.
Season’s Greetings,
Happy Holidays,
Merry Christmas,
Fight on,